Jack Russell Terrier / Mixed : : Female (spayed)
Lucy is a beautiful, 30 lb., brindle-colored dog who is ready for her forever home! She is kennel, house, and bed trained. She is crated when her foster mom is away from the house and readily goes in her crate if there is a treat tossed in. She goes to the back door when she wants out and will bark at the door when she is ready to come back in the house. Her main goal in life is to obtain as many belly rubs as she can! She will roll-over at every opportunity hoping for a belly rub and will paw at you if she isn't getting all the attention she deserves! Lucy also thinks she is a lap dog and will jump in her foster's lap while she is working on her computer. She appears to love all people and loves to cuddle and hang out with you. She loves to be outside either lying in the sun or wandering around the yard, so a fenced yard is a big plus for her new home. She is good on a leash but does like to sniff her way along the walk. She is currently in a home with no other pets, but a previous foster mom indicated Lucy got along with her small dogs and got along with big dogs during her temperament test. |