Animal Success Stories

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(July '11) "We love our Junebug!" Junebug is the former Thelma.


(Mother's Day 2011) "Thank you Proverbs 12:10 for my little Mr. Tumnus (aka Turk)! Here he is wanting to play ball. He has been such a sweet heart! My mom passed away about 2 months ago and my dog was used of the Lord as comfort. Tumnus is alot of fun and has a funny personality. Blessings to you all!"


Timmy is one lucky dog. He was rescued from a hoarding situation affter Cheatham County Animal Control was called and asked to pick up almost 60 dogs. Proverbs stepped in and took around 30 of these animals and they are being placed on wonderful homes. This is one of the LUCKY ones who have found a home. Look how happy and healthy he looks.


My fiance, Mario Glorioso & I adopted Tank - a white American Bulldog - from you last year. I just wanted to let you know that he has been absolutely the best dog ever! Mario, my fiance, and Tank are best friends... then again, Tank is best friends with everyone! He also thinks his brother is our little white Cockapoo! My childen (7yrs & 5 yrs) absolutely adore Tank as well, and Tank is so great at putting up with them laying on him to go to sleep, climbing all over him, and playing with him for hours on end!! His favorite spot is sitting on the couch - in my spot - next to Mario, watching sports on TV. Unless a dog comes on TV, then he has to run to the TV to watch it... and then try to find it behind the TV when it goes away!! haha Tank is awesome! And I just wanted to let you know that he is doing great... and we are all so very very happy with him. He will be with us forever!

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