Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Eve Hello to all the wonderful folks at Proverbs1210, I wanted to give you all an update on our two wonderful dogs we adopted in July, Eve (now, Evie) and her puppy Emma (now Wilma). Evie and Wilma ("The Girls" as we call them) have settled in nicely in the month and 1/2 they have been with us. We weren't completely sure what it might be like to have two dogs at once but it has turned out brilliantly. They are truly sweet dogs with such nice and friendly dispositions. Wilma, the puppy, has become much more adventurous and will amble out on her own away from her mother quite willingly now. She loves to chew (Kleenex is a particular favorite) and to pounce; she's an amazing jumper. Evie wants nothing more than to either lounge in the chair or to have one of the humans pet her. When she wags her tail, her entire body undulates, she's so thrilled. We have recently added outings to the dog park to our weekly schedule and there The Girls are learning to interact with other dogs while they all run and run and run. It's great fun to watch them play and run with abandon with huge smiles on their faces. At night, they curl up between us on the bed, often maneuvering for as much real estate as possible. Good thing we have a big bed! All that to say, we couldn't be happier with our new dog companions. They bring us such joy after the sorrow of losing Gracie (our 13 year old dog who died at the beginning of June) and we are very thankful to Proverbs for keeping them safe until it was our time to find them. We feel very lucky. Thank you for all you do! |