Animal Success Stories

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Hi Lavonne, I see you are still at it, working hard as ever to rescue as many poor lost animals as possible. God bless you. I hope you remember Buddy and me. I tracked you down to your home and then to Petco on 3/12008 to adopt my Buddy. He was a sorry sight to see. You had just rescued him from a shelter in Germantown, Tn, on Thursday he had been scheduled to the death chamber on Friday and I adopted him on Saturday. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. Our grandchildren adore him,(we have 6 grand and 2 great) as he does them . Even our youngest at 14 months. Sometimes we have to rescue Buddy from her great demonstration of love. But true to his gentle nature he will sit still until we help him. I am attaching a new picture so you can see our happy boy. My husband that didn't want a dog would now trade me for Buddy. Again thanks for all you do , have done and will do for the lost animals, and especially thank you for my precious Buddy.


AUGUST 10, 2010 Miss Bella, the one & only Basically, I adore this dog. If you know her (and are not allergic to dogs), you probably do too. You should, anyway. Bella is one of a kind. Here is our story. Bella's most favorite place ever.. under the zebra bench. It all started when my status changed from intern to full-time employee, and I knew I could actually afford a pet. I dreamed about it day and night. Finally, this desire got the better of me. I worked out a pro/con list in every angle and thought about what I wanted in an indoor pet that will be with me forever. Girl... 50 pounds or less... Sweet-tempered... Intelligent... No obvious health conditions... At least two years old (NOT a puppy) I searched the Internet for places to look and wrote down information about two or three to visit on a Saturday. February 27, 2010 I went looking. The first place I went only had puppies and only a few. I fell in love with one of the little girls. But I stuck to my guns and walked out without her. Then I trucked all the way across Nashville to the Petco in Bellevue for an adoption event held by Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue. I got there a little before they technically opened and chatted with some of the folks setting up. And then I saw Bella First glimpse of my angel Precious. Sweet. Black and White. Small. Girl. Two years old. "Can I take her home with me today??" I really did walk away and think about what I might be about to do. Then I filled out the application and talked with the head lady. She approved me. Yay!! I bought some neccessities, and Miss Bella and I went home. Bella had been rescued only a week before that Saturday when I found her. One of the Petco employees happened to be in the right place at the right time and took her away from some boys who were hitting her with sticks. Just thinking about that makes me angry. How could someone do that to such a sweet, submissive dog? She was shy for a little while, but we have gotten used to each other. Today we are very happy together. I love Miss Bella with all my heart and am so thankful to Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue and that Petco employee who brought her into my life. A wise man regards the life of his beast. Proverbs 12:10 After getting spayed, wearing the cone of shame Just smiling cause she's happy


Banjo is doing great. He now has a fine covering of hair all over his body that is slowly growing thicker. Much different than the bare little puppy he was! He's enrolled in a puppy class and is becoming quite the little gentleman (he has since graduated). He's totally spoiled just like his brother and sisters and spends his evenings getting treats and playing with his favorite toys.

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